Yedam Ryou & Eunji Woo Conducted Workshop at DRS 2024

Designize Lab conducted a workshop titled "Playing Out Conflicts for Harmony: Co-designing Rules for Running Local Businesses with the Community" at DRS 2024 in Boston, on June 24, 2024.

Yedam Ryou and Eunji Woo designed and facilitated a role-playing workshop for designers, aiming to introduce the concept of 'local business commoning' as an emerging opportunity in service design.

Through immersive role-playing scenarios, participants engaged in creating possible conflict situations and co-designing resolution rules to prevent the conflict situations, ultimately exploring the role of design in establishing sustainable local business commoning practices that satisfy diverse stakeholder needs.

After the workshop, we had the opportunity to introduce our doctoral research and the projects being conducted in our lab to the designers who showed interest in our research.

Ki-young Nam