International Journals
dmi:REVIEW, 2024
Personifying Local Shops with Community Vision
Woo. E., & Nam. K. (Vol 35, No.2, 2024)
Policy Puzzle Game: making policy ideas feasible and acceptable in policy co-design
Kim. C., & Nam. K. (Vol 18, No.4, 2022)
Journal of Communication Design, 2022
Service Design Strategies for Sharing Young One-person Households’ Dietary Lives
Kim. C., & Nam. K. (Vol 19, 2022)
Design Works, 2022
Shy Attendee, Lone Whiner, and I-Don’t-Carer: Three Target Groups for Co-design Approaches to Public Policy Agenda Setting
Kim. C., Woo. E., & Nam. K. (Vol 5, No. 4, 2022)
dmi:REVIEW, 2021
Designing Community-Based Local Shopping Experiences
Woo. E., & Nam. K. (Vol 32, No.3, 2021)
dmi:REVIEW, 2021
Designing Onine Mediation for the New Normal
Jang. S & Nam. K. (Vol 32, No.2, 2021)
Design Management Review, 2021
Designing Online Mediation for the New Normal
Jang.S & Nam. K. (Vol 32, No.2, 2021)
Design Management Review, 2019
The Paradox of the Excluded Majority in Youth Policy Design
Kim.C., Woo. E. & Nam. K. (Vol 30, No.3, 2019)
Organizational Conditions Supporting Design Function: South Korea in Reflection of Japan
Kwon, Y., Chung, K., Kanno. Y., Shibata. S & Nam, K.
Design Management Review, 2017
Policymaking and the Design Workshop: A New Business Direction
Kim.C. & Nam. K. (Vol 28, No.4, 2017)
The Design Journal, 2016
Organizational Conditions Supporting Design Function: South Korea in Reflection of Japan
Kwon, Y., Kanno, Y., Nam, K. & Chung, K. (Vol 20, Issue1, 2016)
Design Management Review, 2016
How Agile is Your Design Business?
Kwon, Y., Nam, K. & Chung, K. (Vol 27, No.4, 2016)
International Journal of affective engineering, 2016
Activity-Driven PSS Design Method based on Emotional Customer Activity Modeling Integrating Expectation and Experience Factors
Kim, E, Lee, K & Nam, K (Vol 14, No.3, 2016)
International Journal of Design, 2015
A Competence Model for Design Managers: A Case Study of Middle Managers in Korea
Kang, H, Chung, K & Nam, K (Vol 9, No.2, 2015)
Design Management Review, 2013
Orchestrating Designable Touchpoints for Service Businesses
Lee, K., Chung, K. & Nam, K. (Vol 23, No.4, 2013)
DMI Management Journal, 2012
The Impact of CEOs’ “Design-Driven” Decision-Making in the Korean Automobile Industry
Lee, D., Chung, K. & Nam, K. (Vol7, Issue 2, 2012)
DMI Management Journal, 2010
The Chief Executive’s Influence on Corporate Design Management Activities
Song, M., Nam, K. & Chung, K. (Vol 5, Issue 1, 2010)
DMI Management Journal, 2010
Strategic Use of International Product Design Award Schemes
Sung, W., Nam, K. & Chung, K. (Vol 5, Issue 1, 2010)
DMI Management Journal, 2010
Promoting Design Nationally: Influential Factors
Park, J., Nam, K. & Chung, K. (Vol 12, Issue 2, 2010)
The Design Journal, 2009
Reflection on Design Excellence through International Product Design Award Schemes
Sung, W., Nam, K. & Chung, K. (Vol 12, Issue2, 2009)
Design Management Review, 2008
Bottom-Up Design Leadership as a Strategic Tool
Nam, K. & Jung, M. (Vol 19, No.3, 2008)
DMI Management Journal, 2008
The Role of Chief Executive Officers in Design Management Exercise
Song, M., Nam, K. & Chung, K. (Vol 3, Issue 1, 2008)
International Conferences
DRS Conference Workshop, boston, 2024
Playing Out Conflicts for Harmony Co-designing Rules for Running Local Businesses with Community
Ryou, Y., Woo, E., & Nam, K. Y.
IASDR Conference, milan, 2023
Why design matters in local business commoning.
Ryou, Y., Kim, C., Woo, E., & Nam, K. Y.
IASDR Conference, milan, 2023
Meet me at the local shop: designing community anchors for customer engagement
Woo, E., Kim, C., Kwon, H., Ryu, Y., Choi, Y., & Nam, K. Y.
Archives of Design Research, 2022
Utilization of Speculative Design for Designing Human-AI Interactions
Jang, S., & Nam, K. Y. (Vol 35, No.2, 2022)
CHI 2022 Late breaking work
ThinkWrite: Design Interventions for Empowering User Deliberation in Online Petition
Kim. J., Kim. C., & Nam. K.
DMI Conference, Toronto, 2020
Punter’s Secret: Why Millennials Love That Local Shop?
Woo. E., & Nam. K.
ADIM Conference, LONDON, 2019
The Journey of Local Knowledge Toward Designing Neighbourhood Regeneration
Woo. E., Kim. C., & Nam. K.
DIS Conference, Hong Kong, 2018
Grumble to Policy Need: Deriving Public Policy Needs from Daily Life on Social Media Platform
Kim. C., Yang. H., Jang. S. & Nam. K.
DMI Conference, London, 2018
Designing Engagement for Local Public Policy Development
Kim. C., Woo. E. & Nam. K.
IASDR Conference, Cincinnati, 2017
Storytelling Technique for Building Use-case Scenarios for Design Development
Jang. S., & Nam. K.
DMA Conference, Hong Kong, 2017
User-Involved Design for Direct Citizen Participation in Policymaking: Adaptive Values, Adaptive Conditions and Common Ground
Kim, C., Kwon, E. & Nam, K.
Design Management Knowledge: Identifying Learning Objectives of Various Stakeholders for Needs-Driven Learning
Kim, G. & Nam, K.
DMI Conference, Boston, 2016
A Taxonomic Structure of Target Users for Design Management Knowledge Learning in Academia
Kim, G., Nam, K. & Borja de Mozota, B.
IASDR Conference, Brisbane, 2015
Self-Camera Positions to Make Myself More in Style
Kim, C. R., Kim, C. M., Nam, K., Na, N. & Suk, H.
International Design Congress, 2015
Problem-Definition Framework for Local Public Service Design
Kim, C. & Nam, K.
New innovation area from sychronization between existing product platform and socio-behavioral trend
Kim, G. & Nam, K.
Analogue sentiment for Smartphone: Innovation through Emerging Socio-Behavioural Trend
Thamjamrassri, P. & Nam, K.
DMI Conference, London, 2014
Design Requirements for Contemporaneity in Heritage Branding
Park, Y. & Nam, K.
Criteria for Customer Activity-driven Product Service System Design
Kim,E., & Nam, K.
Tsinghua International Design Management Symposium, 2013
The Role of Servicescapes as Touchpoints for Different Service Settings
Lee, K., CHung, K. & Nam, K.
Cambridge Academic Design Management Conference, Cambridge, 2013
Measuring Design Organization’s Agility
Kwon, E., Chung, K. & Nam, K.
Cambridge Academic Design Management Conference, Cambridge, 2013
The Role of Design in Product-Service System through its Development in Manufacturing Industry
Yang, S. & Nam, K.
DMI 2012 International Research Conference, Boston, 2012
The Classification Scheme of the Product-Service Systems through Design Components
Yang, S., Nam, K. & Park, M.
Opportunities for Integrating Design Management into Executive Education
Kang, H., Chung, K. & Nam, K.
IASDR Conference, Delft, 2011
The Strategic Management of Design Promotion
Park, J. & Nam, K.
Cambridge Academic Design Management Conference, Cambridge, 2011
A Typology of Services for Managing Touchpoint Design
Lee, K. & Nam, K.
Winter American Marketing Association Conference, 2011
The Influence of Functioncal Culture and Innovation Knowledge Management on New Product Outcomes in Cross-functional Teams: Marketing, Design and R&D
Noble, C., Im, S. & Nam, K.
DMI Design Korea 2009 International Conference, 2009
The Chief Executive’s Influence on Corporate Design Management Activities
Song, M., Nam, K. & Chung, K.
Strategic Use of International Product Design Award Schemes
Sung, W., Nam, K. & Chung, K.
Identifying key elements for the management of design promotion
Park, J., Nam, K. & Chung, K.
IASDR Conference, Seoul, 2009
The Role of Design in the Integration of Service-Product Systems
Jung, M., Nam, K. & Yu, H.
The Role of Industrial Design in Sustainable Work Environment (Conference Paper)
Lee, K., Nam, K. & Choi, E.
D2B2 International Design Management Conference, Beijing, 2009
A New Taxonomy of Design Promotion and Analysis of Current Design Promotion System
Park, J. & Chung, K.
Design Research Society Conference, Sheffield, 2008
Design Opportunities in Service-Product Combined Systems
Jung, M. & Nam, K.
IASDR Conference, Hong Kong, 2007
Connecting Curriculum to Industry
Nam, K., Jung, M. & Lee, K.
KEER Conference, Sapporo, 2007
Designing in Emotion for Product Maintenance Care
Jung, M. & Nam, K.
Domestic Journals
archives of Design research, 2024
Probe Study of Resource Exchange Service in Local Community: with focus
Kim, C., Kim, J., & Woo, E.
The Korean Society of Design Culture, 2023
Collaboration Service Design Strategies for Local Shops
Park, M., Yang, H., Han. J., Woo, E., & Nam, K.
archives of Design research, 2022
Utilization of Speculative Design for Designing Human-AI Interactions
Jang. S. & Nam, K. (Vol 35. No. 2. 2022)
Journal of Communication Design, 2022
Service Design Strategiesfor Sharing Young One-person Households’ Dietary Lives
Kim. C. & Nam, K. (Vol 79. 2022)
Archives of Design Research, 2019
Design Criteria for Haemodialysis Patients Based on Self-Weight-Management Behaviour
Kim. B., Kim. C. & Nam, K. (Vol 32, No. 1, 2019)
design works, 2019
Design Criteria for Haemodialysis Patients Based on Self-Weight-Management Behaviour
Kim C., Kim. J. & Nam, K. (Vol 2, No. 1, 2019)
Archives of Design Research, 2017
What Conditions are needed to develop Middle-level Design Managers’ Competences: Enabling and Catalytic Factors
Kang, H, Chung, K & Nam, K. (Vol 30, No. 2, 2017)
Archives of Design Research, 2016
Case study on Influential Factors on User-Created Design system operation
사용자 디자인 창작물 기반 프로세스 영향 요인 사례 연구
Nam, K, Yu, H & Kim, K (Vol 29, No. 4, 2016)
Archives of Design Research, 2016
Service Design Utilization Framework for Local Public Service Planning
Kim, C. & Nam, K. (Vol 29, No. 3, 2016)
Archives of Design Research, 2016
Selecting Design Management Activities by SMEs’ Management Characteristics
Lee, D., Nam, K. & Chung. K. (Vol 29, No. 2, 2016)
Archives of Design Research, 2016
Types of Utilizing Color Touchpoints by Corporate Brand Attributes
Hong, S. & Nam, K. (Vol 28, No. 3, 2016)
Journal of Design Management, 2012
Typology of Services for Managing for Managing Touchpoint Design
Lee, K. & Nam, K. (Vol 3, No. 1, 2012)
Journal of Design Management, 2010
Strategic Co-opetition Model for Industrial Design
Choi, E. & Nam, K. (Vol 1, No. 2, 2010)
Archives of Design Research, 2010
Transforming the Four Major River Restoration Project into a Design Project
Kim, K. & Nam, K. (Vol 23, No. 3, 2010)
Domestic Conferences
Korea Society of Design Science Fall Conference, 2024
Design Criteria for melancholia Patient’s Online Group Therapy Service
Yun. S., & Nam, K.
Design Criteria for Participatory Expression of Local Community Branding
Shin. O., & Nam, K.
Korea Society of Design Science Spring Conference, 2023
화석연료 자동차 기업의 친환경 브랜딩 디자인 전략 구축: 포드 사례를 중심으로
Shin. O., & Nam, K.
Korea Society of Design Science Fall Conference, 2018
Design direction for cooking tutoring service of young single household.
Choi. J., & Nam, K.
Service Design Strategies for Seamless EV Charging Experience
Kim. J., Kim. J., Jang. J., Choi J., & Nam, K.
Korea Society of Design Science Fall Conference, 2018
Design Intervention Guideline for Merchant-led Neighborhood Revitalization
Woo. E., & Nam, K.
Korea Society of Design Science Spring Conference, 2017
Research on Needs and Usefulness of Group Persona in the Process of Empirical Design Research
Jung, J., Nam, K. & Lee, K.
Paparazzi Method : Probes Study by Family-documentation as an Inside-observer
Yang, H., Nam, K. & Lee, K.
Korea Society of Design Science Fall Conference, 2016
Design Criteria for Body Shape Improvement based on Behavioral Factors
Jang, S. & Nam, K.
Korea Society of Design Science Spring Conference, 2014
Building design strategy to improve dormitory student’s dietary life
Kim, C. & Nam, K.
Korea Society of Design Science Spring Conference, 2013
The Definition of Service Prototyping
Park, Y. & Nam, K.
KIDM Fall Conference, 2011
Service Classification Structure for Touchpoint Design Management
Lee, K. & Nam, K.
Korea Society of Design Science Fall Conference (Special Session), 2010
Corporate Strategy and Design Process: A Case of Convergence Education in Design
Nam, K.
Korea Society of Design Science Spring Conference, 2010
Designing Public Bench for Senior Citizens through User Research
Pyun, H. & Nam, K.
KSDS 2009 Spring International Conference, Seoul, 2009
Designing a Shared Mobile Phone in India (Conference Paper)
Yu, H., Nam, K., Lee, M. & Lee, S.
Designing a Communication Device for TONK
Choi, E., Nam, K., Nam, T., Seo, W., Jin, B. & Kim, S.
Korea Society of Design Science Spring Conference, 2007
Color Bridge, Conference Proceeding
Jung, M. & Nam, K.
Korea Society of Design Science Fall Conference, 2006
Strategic Alliance between Education and Industry, Conference Proceeding
Nam, K.