Convergent Knowledge Platform Design

National Research Foundation (2016. 07 ~ 2017. 06)

Designize lab. conducted a design management research project, which was funded by National Research Foundation (NRF), a government institution in South Korea. 

Design management has to connect with many different fields of expertise, hence design management knowledge has also multi-disciplinary and convergent nature. This implies that design management contains various (potential) learners who have different backgrounds and learning objects. Therefore, it is important to provide the knowledge properly. 

In this context, the research project aims to understand learner needs to provide implications for designing design management knowledge platform.

The project consists of two major studies:

1) Identify types and attributes of design management knowledge

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- Comparative literature review on design / management / design management to define the concept of design management knowledge

2) Identify learning objectives of design management knowledge and their relationships

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- Content analysis to identify types of leaner and learner needs, as an analytical framework

- In-depth interviews with learners and qualitative coding analysis

Ki-young NamNRF, 2016