Engaging Local Youth in Community Design

Yuseong-gu, Deajeon City (2016. 04 ~ 2016. 12)

Designize Lab. conducted a project with Yuseong-gu, a district office of Daejeon City, South Korea. Except for Seoul, the capital city, Daejeon has the highest youth population in South Korea (1 in 3 is Youth). There are 14 universities and four colleges in Daejeon and seven of those are located in Yuseong-gu. Yuseong district office is now exploring the way of collaborating with local universities/colleges for youth people.

In this context, Yuseong district office asked Designize lab. a research project, which aims to explore effective ways for the district office to work with youth people.

The project consists of three phases:

1) Understand local community in Yuseong-gu

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- Conduct case studies on utilizing design thinking for local community development (e.g. urban planning, community design)

- Analyze existing local policies and initiatives in Yuseong-gu

- Conduct a series of field studies to identify local issues and needs in Yuseong-gu (photo study, survey, community mapping)

2) Develop Themes for Design-driven Public Initiatives

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- Conduct generative workshops with local residents / university students / teenagers / youth activists

- Filter and categorized the ideas to develop final themes for design-driven public initiatives 

3) Establish a Master Plan for Implementation

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- Conduct an expert workshop (with district officers) to establish implementation criteria

- Build an algorithm for supporting decision=making in developing each theme

- Establish key design considerations, activities, and operation planes for each theme